Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Annual Bluewater Dog Walk 2011

The annual Bluewater RSPCA Dog Walk 2011 is just around the corner - SUNDAY April 10

A fun morning for a worthy cause - the RSPCA Cairns.

Where: Bluewater - start and finish at the Sales & Information Centre, Reed Road, Trinity Park (follow Reed Road to the end)

Time: Registration from 7am. Walk 7.45am start

Registration: $10 per adult, gold coin donation per Child, no registration fee for dogs.

All proceeds to go to the Friends of RSPCA Cairns

Event Highlights:

Prizes for the: 
  • Best Pooch Hat
  • Best Dressed Pair (dog and owner)
  • Most Creative Dog Costume

Enjoy one of 2 walks - about 2km or 3km
Sausage Sizzle, fruit & yogurt cups & refreshments
Easter Hunt with the Easter Bunny - for the kids and the dogs
Face Painting
Easter Hat Parade - you and your pooch
Raffles in aid of Friends of RSPCA Cairns
Dog Agility Demonstrations
FREE Dog Nail Clipping

All welcome, with or without your dog.

For more information call: 07 4055 6040

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The RSPCA and our Every Day Heroes

Everyday heroes are the people, just like you, that give our animals a voice. The RSPCA rely on volunteers and donations from the public. As one of the fundraising volunteers at the local RSPCA Shelter I have experienced the generosity of people who care about animals and seen those funds go to purchase much needed equipment such as a generator for power outages, a rescue boat to help the RSPCA inspector rescue stranded animals and of course emergency vet treatments for abused animals. This is only possible with donations from a generous public, people just like you, our neighbours, friends and family; our every day heroes.
The RSPCA is in need of funding for urgent repairs and upgrades after flooding and cyclones in Queensland.
Together we ask our every day heroes to dig deep, even a gold coin donation counts, to help raise much needed funds. The proposed plans and upgrades of just one of the RSPCA shelters below.

Can you help? Your donations go directly to the RSPCA in Queensland. Together we can make a difference. Make a donation for a good cause.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Friends of the RSPCA Cairns meeting

The RSPCA is very proud to have the support of so many volunteers who are committed to helping us care for the 41,000+ animals that come into our care every year...but the more help we get, the bigger and better we can become...and the more animals lives we can positively impact! As an RSPCA Volunteer, you really will be MAKING A DIFFERENCE!

The Friends of RSPCA Cairns are desperately seeking new members to join our fabulous team of fundraising volunteers. The money we raise stays in Cairns to help our animal shelter and to support our local Inspector.

Some of the projects that we have funded in the past are:  Rescue Boat for our Inspector, several emergency vet treatments for animals that have suffered cruelty, a dog enrichment play gym, including toys and a generator.  Other projects we have in the pipe line are: Rainwater tanks and a new cattery.
The next meeting will be held on Sunday 20 March, 11.30am for 12pm start, Brothers League Club, Auditorium (upstairs). Contact Michelle on 0438 191 79 or friendsofrspcacairns@hotmail.com